Discovering new ways to innovate and explore, through gentle, listening touch, Louisa will use the Rosen Method one-on-one, during Melanie’s Yoga session.
Melanie teaches yoga inspired by Vanda Scaravelli. What are we experiencing as we practise? What do we feel as we practise? How do we sense ourselves? How do we approach the world through the body?
Louisa Turner is a Rosen Method Practitioner and Rosen workshop teacher. She is also a physiotherapist and has worked for many years with neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. She is skilled at reading both the physical and emotional holding barriers in the body, manifesting as muscle tension, body posturing, restricted breath and freedom of movement. The gentle and receptive Rosen touch invites the body to unwind and release these deeper muscular holdings. This opens the body to an increased freedom of movement, release of the natural breath, deep relaxation and sense of wellbeing.
Cost £25 Shared vegetarian lunch
To book:
Phone 07931144014